Central South Asia

News goes to peoples by some way such as Radio,Television,Newspaper,Internet etc.Ours is an age of Modern science has invented new ways and means for our comfort.Newspaper is wonder of Modern science.Newspaper is a paper which carries news and views of home and abroad to us.Newspaper was first published in England during the reign of Queen Elizabeth.The Indian gazette which was the first newspaper in India-Bangladesh(Sub-continental zone) was published in 1774The Chiristian missionaries Of Srerampure published it.Global distance has been removed.The world has become smaller.One part of world has been llinked up with another through it.Here we try to know about sub-continental zone,India,Bangladesh,Pakistan and also around the similar land such as Nepal,Bhutan,Srilanka.1947 this year sub-continent has become free from East Indian company means through under Queen reign Of England.Pakistan and India was born that same time.1971 one part of Pakistan got victory for 9 months fight agains Pakistan central Government and born new country named Bangladesh.
There are six season in this area almost. Each season has its own features. We here new sounds and enjoy new scenes in each season. Every thing changes. The people also feel in each season. They forget the monotony of life and start their daily work anew. In Bengali Calendar starts by summer,Baisakh and Jaistha(Month) call Summer.That time sun shines hotly and the heat is terrible.Water goes to dry,Ponds,Cannel,Lakes and small Rivers go dry .People sweat at the slightes work and become tired .Various seasonal fruites ripe then.Next is Rainy season The sky is covered with clouds and the sun can not be seen  for houres even for days.Pond, cannel, lakes and rivers are full to the brim.Agriculture depends on this rain .Farmers can not reap a good harvest without it.After Raineyseason comes autumn.That time sky is clear and white cloudes  float in the sky.The autumn rolls into the late-autumn.It is the season of dew and farmers look happy.They are busy in harvesting.The late autumn is followed by the winter.Winter looks gloomy.People shiver in cold.Spring is the best of all seasons.Its neither too cold neither too hot.
Varietion of seasons and living format make various types of problem in this area .Population problem is one of the most problem.This zone is the most densely populated in the world.About 1500~1600 people live in one square mille.Every year more than two million people are being added to this population.Population problem is now out of control . It has now cpme to the position of explosion.
Though population of a country is as asset.It becomes a problem when the country can not afford to give people the basic necessaries of life.This area is too small to support it vast population .As a result it creats food problem,communication problem,educational problem,unemployment problem,shelter problem,health problem.medical problem,environment problem and poverty.
Suggestion:To remove this problem they should follow the following arrangements.Each family must not have more than two childrens.Then the family will be plannes.They should made awer of the gravity of the problem.To check the growth of  population,top-most importance should be attached to education of the masses.If the entire population are educated,there would develop a sense of national awerness and wide outlook among them.They should stop early marriage otherwise increasing migration day by day. They can export manpower to other countries to remove the population crisis.To remove this problem,the lesson of self reliance is particularly needed for them.But this problem can be solved if the government and the people firmly to control birth and grow more food at the same time.
This area is also in Monsoon area, it rains heavily during the monsoon period, so floods are very common for these countries. Down fall of water from the hills, tidal surge also cause of floods. For this reason a heavy damage to their life and properties. The after effect of floods is more serious for them. Famine break out, many people die for want of food and medicine.Many dangerous diseases like,cholera,typhoid,and dysentery etc break out in an epedimic form.
Unemployment problem is also a big problem.This problem has become a great concern all over the world.But nowhere in the world this problem is so acute as in this area,at present the toughest task  for any Youngman is to manage a job.The rapid growth of population is the main reason of unemployment problem.Here system of education instead of giving any solution creats educated unemployed youngmen.Agreat change should be brought in this education system,more importance should be given on professional,vocational and technical education.These will make a opening to work in different industrial sectorsboth home and abroad.
Here more than 80 percent people live in villages.So the development of the entire country depends on the welfare of these villages.Rural development has various aspects.The most important of them are agriculture,education,communication,sanitary and health,cottage industries,fishery,co-operative societies community life etc.A good communication is essential for the development.
Without education a nation can not prosper,it illumines the soul,broadens the outlooks on life and dispels the darkness of ignorance.About 80 percent people do not how to read and write,they  can not reach the peak of prosperity and progress untill and unless they can remove the course of illiteracy from the lot of  people.
‘Health is wealth` goes the proverb, so a nation blessed a good health is the greatest blessing on earth. But they are far from this blessing. As most of the villagers are illiterate, they have no knowledge of health and sanitation. Most of the villagers suffer from various diseases. Pure drinking water was very scare in the past, now days every village has at least one or more tube-wells. But right now arsenic problem breaking out very seriously. They are trying to come over from their problem by the help of government and nongovernmental(NGO) organization.
Hope as early as soon they will reach good line and they will stand up as possible and surely touch to the development countries line.


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